Lectures start on April 13, 2015 and will be held on a week basis on Mondays, 12:15–13:45 and every other week on Wednesdays, 10:15–11:45. See dates above.
Exercise problems will be made available on this web page and handed out during the lectures roughly every two weeks at least one week before their deadline. We will discuss the problems in the exercises directly after the deadline, starting on April 22, 2015. The exercises take place on the Wednesdays, 10:15–11:45, when no lecture is given. See dates above.
Solutions must be handed in before the exercise in which they will be discussed. You can hand in your solution alone or in groups of two students. Write your solutions in German or English language. You can hand in your solutions on paper or via email to Alexander and Moritz:
- Alexander Schramm: alexander.schramm [at] student.uni-luebeck.de
- Moritz Flucht: moritz.flucht [at] student.uni-luebeck.de
Ratings. Your solution of every task will be rated according to the following schema:
0 points: You didn't manage to hand in anything meaningful.
1 point: We honor your attempt, but it is mainly wrong.
2 points: Your solution is mainly correct.
3 points: Your solution is correct and nice.
To pass the exercises you need to achieve 1 point in every task on every exercise sheet. You can leave out one exercise sheet.
Also, feel free to contact Malte and request discussion/repetition of certain topics if needed.
Mailing list
Important information related to this course will be distributed through the mailing list. Attendees are strongly encouraged to register with the list. Note that access is only possible from inside our universities network or via the SSL gate.
started before winter term 2014/15
started since winter term 2014/15
- CS4139 T, Modulteil: Runtime Verification und Testen (RVTestena)
- CS4139, Runtime Verification und Testen (RVTesten)
Depending on the number of participants, there will be an oral or written exam. For oral exams please contact Hedwig Hellkamp.
Topics from both, lectures and exercises, will be subject to examination. We therefor strongly recommend to follow the lectures the exercises.