Model checking Probabilistic Distributed Systems

TitleModel checking Probabilistic Distributed Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsBenedikt Bollig, Leucker, M
Conference NameProceedings of the 8th Asian Computing Science Conference ({ASIAN'03})
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Conference LocationMumbai, India

Protocols for distributed systems make often use of random transitions to achieve a common goal. A popular example are randomized leader election protocols. We introduce probabilistic product automata (PPA) as a natural model for this kind of systems. To reason about these systems, we propose to use a product version of linear temporal logic (PLTL). The main result of the paper is a model-checking procedure for PPA and PLTL. With its help, it is possible to check qualitative properties of distributed systems automatically.

@inproceedings {BolligLeucker03,
	title = {Model checking Probabilistic Distributed Systems},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Asian Computing Science Conference ({ASIAN{\textquoteright}03})},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	volume = {2896},
	year = {2003},
	pages = {291{\textendash}304},
	publisher = {Springer},
	organization = {Springer},
	address = {Mumbai, India},
	abstract = {Protocols for distributed systems make often use of random transitions to achieve a common goal. A popular example are randomized leader election protocols. We introduce probabilistic product automata (PPA) as a natural model for this kind of systems. To reason about these systems, we propose to use a product version of linear temporal logic (PLTL). The main result of the paper is a model-checking procedure for PPA and PLTL. With its help, it is possible to check qualitative properties of distributed systems automatically.},
	url = {},
	author = {Benedikt Bollig and Martin Leucker}