Truth–-A Platform for Verification of Distributed Systems
Title | Truth–-A Platform for Verification of Distributed Systems |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Leucker, M, Tobies, S |
Keywords | formal methods, specification, temporal logic, tool, verification |
Abstract | Formal Methods are becoming more an more important for the development of hardware and software systems. Verification tools support the employment of Formal Methods. This paper gives an overview of the design and implementation of the verification tool Truth. We define and explain requirements for verification tools. Furthermore, we discuss several semantic models, specification languages and logics and their visualisation from a tool builder's perspective and show how these requirements were adopted in Truth. |
URL | |
@booklet {LeuckerTobies98, title = {Truth{\textendash}-A Platform for Verification of Distributed Systems}, number = {98-05}, year = {1998}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, abstract = {Formal Methods are becoming more an more important for the development of hardware and software systems. Verification tools support the employment of Formal Methods. This paper gives an overview of the design and implementation of the verification tool Truth. We define and explain requirements for verification tools. Furthermore, we discuss several semantic models, specification languages and logics and their visualisation from a tool builder{\textquoteright}s perspective and show how these requirements were adopted in Truth.}, keywords = {formal methods, specification, temporal logic, tool, verification}, url = {}, author = {Martin Leucker and Stephan Tobies} }
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