Comparison of two semantic approaches to unification
Title | Comparison of two semantic approaches to unification |
Publication Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication | 1996 |
Authors | Leucker, M |
University | RWTH Aachen |
Thesis Type | masters |
Abstract | The master theses compares the two most prominent semantic approaches to unifica tion. We can show that unification in primal algebras is not a direct instance of unification in monoidal theories. However, it is possible to reduce unification in a given primal algebra to unification in a corresponding monoidal theory. As by-products of this work we have shown that unification in algebras is an instance of unification modulo equational theories, and we have introduced a new notion of equivalence for equational theories. |
@mastersthesis {Leucker96, title = {Comparison of two semantic approaches to unification}, year = {1996}, school = {RWTH Aachen}, type = {masters}, abstract = {The master theses compares the two most prominent semantic approaches to unifica tion. We can show that unification in primal algebras is not a direct instance of unification in monoidal theories. However, it is possible to reduce unification in a given primal algebra to unification in a corresponding monoidal theory. As by-products of this work we have shown that unification in algebras is an instance of unification modulo equational theories, and we have introduced a new notion of equivalence for equational theories.}, author = {Martin Leucker} }
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