\emph{Don't know} in probabilistic systems
Title | \emph{Don't know} in probabilistic systems |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Fecher, H, Leucker, M, Wolf, V |
URL | http://wwwmayr.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:8080/techrep/advanced.search?dist0=0&submit=Suchen&where0=citkey&what0=%22TUM-I0519%22 |
@booklet {LeuckerFW06TR, title = {\emph{Don{\textquoteright}t know} in probabilistic systems}, number = {TUM-I0519}, year = {2005}, publisher = {TU M{\"u}nchen}, url = {http://wwwmayr.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:8080/techrep/advanced.search?dist0=0\&submit=Suchen\&where0=citkey\&what0=\%22TUM-I0519\%22}, author = {Harald Fecher and Martin Leucker and Verena Wolf} }
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