Proceedings of the $4th$ Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods for Verification

TitleProceedings of the $4th$ Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods for Verification
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2006
EditorLeucker, M, van de Pol, J
Conference NameElectronic Notes in Computer Science
PublisherElsevier Science Publishers
@proceedings {LeuckerVanDePol06,
	title = {Proceedings of the $4th$ Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods for Verification},
	volume = {135/2},
	year = {2006},
	publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers},
	url = {\&_tockey=\%23TOC\%2313109\%232006\%23998649997\%23616391\%23FLP\%23\&_auth=y\&view=c\&_acct=C000050221\&_version=1\&_urlVersion=0\&_userid=10\&md5=d55ef24bb62457332fb8bb690492b16b},
	editor = {Martin Leucker and Jaco van de Pol}