Regular Linear Temporal Logic with Past

TitleRegular Linear Temporal Logic with Past
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSánchez, C, Leucker, M
EditorBarthe, G, Hermenegildo, M
Conference NameProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'10)
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
@inproceedings {LeuckerSanchez10,
	title = {Regular Linear Temporal Logic with Past},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI{\textquoteright}10)},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	volume = {5944},
	year = {2010},
	pages = {295{\textendash}311},
	publisher = {Springer},
	organization = {Springer},
	author = {C{\'e}sar S{\'a}nchez and Martin Leucker},
	editor = {Gilles Barthe and Manuel Hermenegildo}