Runtime Verification of Real-Time Event Streams under Non-synchronized Arrival
Title | Runtime Verification of Real-Time Event Streams under Non-synchronized Arrival |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Leucker, M, Sánchez, C, Scheffel, T, Schmitz, M, Schramm, A |
Journal | Software Quality Journal |
Type of Article | Improving Software Quality through Formal Methods |
Abstract | We study the problem of online runtime verication of real-time |
@article {1320, title = {Runtime Verification of Real-Time Event Streams under Non-synchronized Arrival}, journal = {Software Quality Journal}, year = {2020}, type = {Improving Software Quality through Formal Methods}, abstract = {<p>We study the problem of online runtime verication of real-time<br> event streams. Our monitors can observe concurrent systems with a shared<br> clock, but where each component reports observations as signals that arrive to<br> the monitor at dierent speeds and with dierent and varying latencies. We<br> start from specications in a fragment of the TeSSLa specication language,<br> where streams (including inputs and nal verdicts) are not restricted to be<br> Booleans but can be data from richer domains, including integers and reals<br> with arithmetic operations and aggregations. Specications can be used both<br> for checking logical properties, and for computing statistics and general nu-<br> meric temporal metrics (and properties on these richer metrics). We present an online evaluation algorithm for the specication language and a concurrent<br> implementation of the evaluation algorithm. The algorithm can tolerate and<br> exploit the asynchronous arrival of events without synchronizing the inputs.<br> Then, we introduce a theory of asynchronous transducers and show a formal<br> proof of the correctness such that every possible run of the monitor imple-<br> ments the semantics. Finally, we report an empirical evaluation of a highly<br> concurrent Erlang implementation of the monitoring algorithm.</p> }, author = {Martin Leucker and C{\'e}sar S{\'a}nchez and Torben Scheffel and Malte Schmitz and Alexander Schramm} }
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